Outtakes of a Brain in Meltdown

Panic! Yet another bad tutorial with Itai over my project. 'Sleigh Bells' playing full blast in the style of a damaged and confused 14 year old, I sit here writing this with what can only be described as the same mind set of Charlie Sheen. Each week I go though a transition within my work, yet each time seeming to come further away from its target. The ultimatum now is to create a beautiful set of fashion photographs and get top marks or barely pass with a project I feel as weight and worth its photographic paper its printed on.

Its been pointed out to me that my reaction to criticism needs work many a time through friends, family and lecturers and I attempt to take this on board. Yet getting to the point of tears in frustration as you seek the approval of  a lecturer you admire is simply a big step back in this attempted improvement.

Breath and count to ten.

(Above) An outtake from the Final Major Project in meltdown.

1 comment:

Marsy Hild said...

Mr. D is pushing you to your limit

let me know If I can help at all
well when we've handed in our Dissertation :S !!
freaking out....

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